Vampirina Wiki

"Day of the Dead" is the 1st song from the Disney Junior and the Brown Bag Films "Vampirina" Season 2, Episode 43A "of the same name", but in Spanish. It's sung by Raquelita, Mama and Papa Calaca as they explain to the Hauntleys what they do on the Day of the Dead.



Raquelita: So you'd like an explanation
Of the festive celebration
Where we honor all our loved ones long gone

Mama: On this day of recollection
We recall them with affection
And we share their stories so they live on

All: It's the Day of the Dead
Yes, on Día de Muertos
We celebrate the Day of the Dead

Papa: Then we build for them an altar
So they know our love won't falter

Mama: Filled with all their favorite objects and food

Raquelita: And it's not so shocking, is it
If the spirits come to visit

All: And they stay till all the revels conclude

On the Day of the Dead
Yes, on Día de Muertos
We celebrate the lives that they led

On the Day of the Dead
Yes, on Día de Muertos
We celebrate the Day of the Dead


  • to be added



Day of the Dead Music Video 💀 Vampirina Disney Junior


Day of the Dead-2


Main songs and singles
Vampirina Theme SongLivin' the ScreamEverybody Scream, Everybody HowlThere's Snow Place Like HomeThe Way a Feast Should GoHauntleyweenJust Be With YouMummy RapTransylvania GirlsBoogieman BoogieLegendaryGhost LifeOops Got Scared AgainParty in the CryptWe are the Ghoul GirlsWalk Like a ZombieGhouls Out for SummerCreepy Beat
Season 1
Me for MeThe Scare B&BPerfect for the PartyVery First DayTransylvanian SurpriseDragos the DancerThe Plant SpellLonely Being KingVampire LullabyDon't Let Them Take Me AwayBeautiful Night For a FlightNot So Scary After AllChef Remy BonesThe Woodchuck Woodsie WayHiding PlacesThe Witch Want I Want to BeLook What I Can Do NowGet Her UnstuckLiving the ScreamFind Your Inner GhoulFun For EveryoneWon't Let You GoWhat a Wonderful DogWhat Could Go WrongScary GoodA Terrorific TeamNo WayNo Matter WhatThe Friendship FestivalOn Ghoulentine’s DayMake a Monster ProudNot So Much Fun!Frightfully CleanA Great BallerinaBack Where a Pirate BelongsA Mummy's Day for MamaDancelvania DayI Believe in YouWe've Got it MadeEverybody Gets ScaredAway From It AllYou'll Always Be YouEnjoy the UnexpectedTransylvania, Here We ComeHome Scream HomeThings I Could BeMonster Movie MagicHauntleyweenThe Perfect InventionThe Way a Feast Should GoThere's Snow Place Like Home
Season 2
I'm With YouWhere's That WerewolfHow Hard Could Being Human Really Be?Don't Judge a Spell Book by It's CoverAll a Monster Needs is LovePerfectly ImperfectYou're Dragon Me DownYou Won't Even Know That We're HereHow to Spot a VampireGhostly HostThe Perfect Gift for VeeThe Name of the GameFrightful Family TreeThe Most Fangtastic Finder in the BizThe Gift I Wish For Every YearDouble VeeSummer SunBeach Night PartyThe Fangtastic Feeling of FlyingCook My Way Intro Their HeartsThat's What a True Friend DoesThe Ghoul Girls Are BackPixie ParadiseGhoul Girls PlayBetter TogetherPutting It TogetherLove Gets Better With TimeA Pack Of My OwnWe're a ConstellationCenter StageTrick or TreatMonsterrific MessThe Perfect PumpkinWinter WonderlandThe Vamp-OperaLife is a SongA Monster Lends a Helping ClawDay of the DeadUnder the Transylvanian MoonWhen You Wish Upon a CupcakePapa, I'm Proud Of YouHaunteray BayHauntley GirlsHow a House Gets HauntedThe Future Is Up To YouWhat We NeedI'm Never WrongMad For Mad ScienceI Look Up To YouThe Wizard Of WierdThe Toast Of All ParisDe-Scare The FairIn The Enchanted ForestI Can Do Anything
Season 3
Weird And Wonderful YouA Bit Of Hauntley LuckThis Thrilling Haunted HousePicture PerfectWe'll Be In Your HeartIt Takes TimeNo One Knows Where Nosy GoesThe Blob For The JobDouble HalloweenGet Your Creep OnThe Monster InsideI RememberA Weekend With My GrandGhoulDemi, We Love YouWelcome To The Critter FairIf I Could Be MeBusting To SayWe're Just Like YouShare My Heart With The WorldPapa's Monstrous Nature WalksFull Moon TideLike a Scientist DoesSo Funky That It's ScaryThe Greatest Magic Of AllWhere's CrawlyScare B&BBetter Left UnseenDance Like YouFangtabulosityThe Party Of Your DreamsShriek It OutAbout To Lose My HeadSpooky ClauseWhat If?Never Give UpFace Your FearWho We AreOur Best GhoulA Mighty HowlTakes Work to PlayHappy April Ghoul'sThe UnderbedSomeplace NewA Wand That's Totally MeLet Your Monster Self Shine ThroughKeep The Past AliveYour Papa's Here For YouTaking ShapeTotally HumanAll That We Are