"Dia de los Muertos" is the 1st Segment of the 43rd Episode of the 2nd Season of Disney Junior's and Brown Bag Films' "Vampirina. It's premiered on October 25th, 2019, alongside with the 2nd Segment "As You Wish". SynopsisA family of mariachi-playing Calacas get caught in a storm and must stay the night at the Scare B&B. During their visit, they celebrate Día de los Muertos (Day of the Dead) with Vampirina and her family, and Vee tries to learn of the traditions of her great uncle Dieter so she can remember him.
PlotVampirina and her family were having a normal stormy night, when suddenly, a family of mariachi skeleton musicians knocks on their door, even though they weren't supposed to receive guests. After Hauntleys and Calacas (the skeleton mariachis) introduced themselves, Mama Calaca explains they were there for a festival, but because of the storm, they now are stuck on there. Then, Mama Calaca regrets about they are now going to lose their favorite holiday, Dia de Los Muertos, as they are not going to Mexico City to celebrate it as planned. Vee, confused about that holiday asks them about it, so the Calacas decide to sing about the holiday they thought they were going to lose. After listening to that, the Hauntleys encourages them to celebrate it on there, their house. So they agreed and Vee thinks that it might be a good chance to celebrate it with them. Calacas explains they have to build an altar with all Uncle Dieter -who Hauntleys decided to remember, stuff. But unfortunately, Hauntleys don't find anything good. So, while the Calacas had a beautiful altar filled with food and flowers, they only could build a dusty altar with old and broken stuff. Raquelita, explains to them they have to count stories about them to bring them back to life, so she counts a story, and Abuela Calaca suddenly appears. But Vee doesn't have anything, making Deiter not coming back to life. Then, they decide to keep looking for more stuff about Deiter, finding out he loved to dance and played the spookylele, in conjunction with a lot of his belongings. So, now, with an improved altar, they tried to call him again, remembering they still don't have a story about him. But Vee knows what to do, so she sings "Under the Transylvanian Moon", a beautiful song about how much he had missed his home when he left Transylvania (as much as she.) That works, and Deiter comes to visit, thanking the Calacas for bringing that tradition to his family, and letting the celebration begins with his spookylele. CharactersMain Characters
Dia de los Muertos