Vee: We make a wacky sculpture I must admit
We're not exactly perfect or close to it
It's true that yes my hair's a mess
All tangled up and twirled
Chef Remy's arm pop off but no big deal
Wolfie's muddy sure, but still I feel
That even on this bat hair day
There's just no way
I'd trade it for the world
We may be far from perfect
But look close and you'll see
We're perfectly imperfect to me
Oxana: Some people think we're different
They go so far
Boris: As to call us quirky
Demi: Or odd
Gregoria: Bizarre
Vee: But even though we may seem strange
Don't ever change
Stay just the way you are
It's clear that we're imperfect
But still this family
Is perfectly imperfect to me