Oxana: When I was a girl
I had one single dream
To run my own monster motel
A place for vacationing
Banshees to scream
Where witches could stay
For a spell
And now it would seem
That my dream is in sight
When we open our doors
I may shriek with delight
As I welcome the creatures
Who go bump in the night
At the Scare B&B
The aura's a delicate mix
Of mystique and macabre
Vampirina: At the Scare B&B
Oxana: Creep down the hallway
While clutching
Your free candelabra
All our spiders
Are spiteful
Vampirina: The gargoyles delightful
Oxana: It's Gothic decor
Vampirina: But more gray
Both: Yes, you'll have
A frightful good stay
At the Scare B&B